
本断路器采用上下布置结构,有效地降低断路器的深度。并采用复合绝缘结构、三相灭弧室和相联带电体由三只独立的环氧树脂绝缘罩壳相隔离,采用复合绝缘结构之后,断路器满足正常运行条件下的空气距离和爬距要求,并有效地减少了断路器的体积,主导电回路 真空灭弧室和动静导电联接安装在绝缘筒内,使相间仅为300mm。主回路电气连接全部采用固定连接具有很高的可靠性。


序号 No 项目 Item 单位 Units 技术参数Technical parameters
1 额定电压 Rated voltage kV 40.5
2 额定电流 Rated current A 1250 1600 2000、2500
3 额定短路开断电流Rated short-circuit breaking current KA 25 31.5 25 31.5
4 动稳定电流( 峰值)Dynamic current (peak) KA 63 80 63 80
5 4S 热稳定电流4S thermal current KA 25 31.5 25 31.5
6 额定短路关合电流( 峰值)Rated short circuit making current (peak) KA 63 80 63 80
7 额定短路电流开断次数Rated short-circuit current breaking times 次Times 20
8 额定操作顺序Rated operating sequence   O-0.3s-CO-180s-CO
9 额定绝缘水平
Rated insulation level
1min 工频耐压1min power frequency withstand voltage kV 95
雷电冲击耐压(峰值)Lightning impulse withstand voltage (peak) 185
10 机械寿命Mechanical life 次Times 10000
11 额定单个电容器组开合电流Rated single capacitor device ON-OFF current A 630
12 额定背对背电容器组电流Rated single back-to-back capacitor device current A 400
13 储能电机额定电压Rated voltage electrical energy storage V AC、DC:110;220
14 储能电机额定功率Energy Storage Power Rating W ≤ 230
15 储能电机储能时间Electrical Energy Storage Energy Storage time S ≤ 15
16 合分闸线圈额定电压Hop Tripping coil rated voltage V DC:110;220
17 合分闸线圈额定电流Hop Tripping coil rated current A 1.05(110V) 0.96(220V)
18 触头开距Contactor opening distance mm 20±2
19 触头接触行程Contactor Contact trip mm 7.5±1.5
20 三相合分不同期性At the different period of three consistency ms ≤ 2
21 触头合闸弹跳时间Contact closing bounce time ms ≤ 3
22 主回路电阻( 不包括触臂)Leading electrical circuit resistance( excluding contactor arm) μ Ω ≤ 40